About Us

Prof. Dr. Seda Demiralp

Prof. Dr. Seda Demiralp

Director of Emotics Lab
Emotions in election campaigns and voting preferences, political interest and apathy, disinformation, gender and emotions
Prof. Dr. Özlem Kayhan Pusane

Prof. Dr. Özlem Kayhan Pusane

Perceptions, emotions and emotion discourses in Turkey’s foreign policy and security policies, ontological security, anxiety, textual and visual representations of emotions in the media/mediated emotions
Prof. Dr. Rabia Karakaya Polat

Prof. Dr. Rabia Karakaya Polat

The role of emotions in migration and refugee narratives; emotions and politics within the context of digital exclusion and inequality; the use of biometric technologies in migration management and the mobilization of emotions
Assoc. Prof. Erol Ülker

Assoc. Prof. Erol Ülker

Collective memory, memoirs and private archives, nationalism and politics, imperial nostalgia
Prof. Dr. Ödül Celep

Prof. Dr. Ödül Celep

Analytical reading of discourses and emotions in Turkish politics. World political cinema, emotional-political analysis of world and Turkish horror films. Ideology-emotion interactions through horror movies produced in Turkey. Fear discourse in politics and cinema.

Disinformation Research Network

Emotics Lab: Duygular & Siyaset



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