Bu seminerde Aykut Öztürk ve Seda Demiralp 2023 Türkiye genel seçimlerinde ekonomik sorunların seçmen algısına olan etkisini ele aldılar ve objektif gerçekler ile duygusal kanaatlerin rollerini…
Bu çalıştayda kadının medyada etkin biçimde yer almasının önündeki engeller ve çözüm yolları, akademik ve sektörel uzmanlar tarafından incelendi. Toplantıya Seda Demiralp, Senem Toluay Ilgaz, Semin…
In this panel Özlem Kayhan Pusane, Antonis Derizotis, Aslı Ilgıt and Gizem Aloğlu spoke about how Turkish-Greek relations formed in the aftermaths of February 6 earthquake,…
This panel considered the relationships between vulnerability to disinformation and conspiracy theories with apathetic attitudes and included Seda Demiralp, Erol Sağlam and Onurcan Yılmaz as speakers.
This research conducted by Seda Demiralp considers the causes and consequences of political apathy, namely, the alienation from mainstream political parties and ideologies, observed most commonly…
Our first research project has received £ 20,000 in funding from the Glasgow Centre for International Development at the University of Glasgow! In this project, we…